List nieformalny po angielsku – zasady pisania
List nieformalny, jak sama nazwa wskazuje nie jest listem urzędowym ani oficjalnym, lecz listem prywatnym, pisanym do kolegi, koleżanki, przyjaciela lub członków rodziny. Jest on pisany językiem potocznym, zatem można używać w nim kolokwializmów oraz skrótów.
W rozpoczęciu należy zawrzeć przywitanie oraz wyjaśnić powód pisania listu + ew. przeprosić za długi czas odpowiedzi na poprzedni list:
np. Dear Mike
– Wyjaśnienie celu listu
np. Thanks for your letter that I received two weeks ago. I’m pleased to hear that you’re ok. I’m sorry that I didn’t reply to your letter a bit sooner but I’ve had much work. I want to tell you so much…
W rozwinięciu zawieramy właściwą treść listu, odpowiadając na pytania zadane przez rozmówcę w poprzednim liście, oraz zadając własne, dotyczące adresata.
np. I have a big surprise for you. Did you know that Sarah is going to marry Tom? They told me that two days ago. They were both very happy and I saw they really love each other. The wedding ceremony is in June. You’d better start looking for a new suit. I’m going to buy a new dress, exclusively for this occasion.
Podsumowanie, lub zamknięcie tematu oraz życzenia względem adresata i oczekiwania względem niego + pożegnanie.
– Podsumowanie
np. That’s all I wanted to say. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
– Podpis wraz z pozdrowieniami
np. Keep well, Jessica PS: Say hello to Steven.
List nieformalny po angielsku – przydatne zwroty
How are you? – Jak się masz?
It was great to hear from you. – Fajnie, że napisałeś / aś.
It was a nice surprise to hear from you again after so many months. – Miłą niespodzianką
było otrzymanie wiadomości od Ciebie po tak wielu miesiącach.
Thank you for your letter that I received last week. – Dziękuję za list który otrzymałem zeszłego tygodnia.
I’m sorry that I didn’t reply to your letter earlier / sooner. – Wybacz że nie odpisałem na Twój list wcześniej.
I’m writing with great news. – Piszę w związku ze świetnymi wieściami.
I’ve got so much to tell you. – Mam tak dużo do opowiedzenia.
I’m waiting for your quick answer. – Czekam na szybką odpowiedź.
I hope that everything is going well with you. – Mam nadzieję że wszystko jest u Ciebie w porządku.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. – Oczekuję od Ciebie że odpowiesz wkrótce.
Write back soon. – Napisz do mnie wkrótce.
Love – Kocham
Regards / Greetings – Pozdrowienia
Best wishes – Najlepsze życzenia
Yours – Twój / Twoja
List nieformalny po angielsku – wzór
List prywatny przykład 1 – list do koleżanki / przyjaciółki
Dear Jane,
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you again and to hear about your skiing trip. I’m glad you had a good time there.
It’s taken so long to write back because I’ve been busy studying for my exams. They’re over now, and I think I’ve passed almost everything, except biology
How about you? Have you finished your exams yet? Perhaps we can get together when school finishes. If you want to come down to Warsaw for a week in August, it would be great. Tell me what you think about it.
The only other news is that my sister has got a new boyfriend. I don’t really like him, but she says he is amazing. I just want to get on with him well.
Anyway, that’s all for now. Please write back soon and tell me when you can come and visit me.
Best wishes,
PS: If you can’t come to Warsaw, I can visit you in London.
List prywatny przykład 2 – list do kolegi / przyjaciela
Dear John,
How are you? I hope that you are fine. A few days ago I come back from the trip to Yellowstone National Park. I would like to describe you our trip.
I travelled by plane with my friends. The flight lasted about 8 hours.
When I arrived there, the weather as ugly. It was very windy and fiercely cold there. But during the next days it was very hot and damp I spent there five days.
On the second day I saw an amazing view – a shooting geyser. It was a breathtaking, beautiful and interesting phenomenon. I would like to see it again. I also saw a flock of grizzly brids, cascades, many species of fish and birds.
I would like to invite you to me for a long weekend and show you the photos from the trip. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
List prywatny przykład 3 – list do kolegi / przyjaciela
Dear Mark,
Good to hear from you again. I hope you’re well and everything’s OK. Sorry for that I haven’t written to you for a long time, but I’ve been a little busy. I was organising a birthday party for my mother, and I want to tell you about it.
First of all, It was a great succes. I told my mother we were taking her out for a quiet meal at a local restaurant, but in fact I’d hired a big room in a hotel and invited all her closest friends.When we went out I told my mom that I’d changed my mind and we will eat our meal in a hotel’s restaurant. You should have seen her face when she walked into the room and everyone cheered. A few second after that all people started singing „Happy Birthday”. She just couldn’t believe it and burst into tears, but she was also smiling all the time. Then the party got going, and it didn’t finish until four in the morning.
We were absolutely exhausted, but my mother had a wonderful time. She is worth it. I love her and I wanted to do that for her.
I’ve got to go now. Hope to hear from you soon.
List prywatny przykład 4 – list do koleżanki / przyjaciółki z Anglii
Pojutrze ma Cię w Polsce odwiedzić znajoma z Anglii. Napisz do niej list, w którym:
– zapytasz o ostatnie przygotowania przed przyjazdem i upewnisz się, czy pamięta o ważnej przesyłce,
– poprosisz o przywiezienie z Anglii pewnej książki i przeprosisz za dodatkowy kłopot,
– wymienisz co najmniej dwie planowane atrakcje pierwszego dnia jej pobytu w Polsce,
– przypomnisz, że jesteście umówieni na lotnisku, i poradzisz, co ma robić jeśli trochę się spóźnisz.
Dear Mia,
How are you doing? I am wondering if you’re ready and packed. By the way, I hope you remember about the package from aunt Zosia – she’d be really mad if you forgot to take it.
My friend asked me if you could bring an original, english version of the book „Harry Potter”. I hope you don’t mind it.
I’m getting ready for you to stay at my home. I have already made some plans for the first day of your stay. They include a quick tour around my town and a welcome party for you with my friends. As for lunch, my mother wants to know whether you prefer fish or chicken, so please tell me what you like more.
There’s one more thing I want to tell you. In case you’ve forgotten where we are meeting at the airport, it’s Terminal A, next to the newspaper stand. If I’m late, you can buy a magazine and wait for me while having a read.
Have a nice journey!
I’m looking forward to HEARING from you soon.
Bład :)
Fakt, hearing ;)