Opis miasta po angielsku

Przykład opisu miasta po angielsku – opis Warszawy po angielsku.

Warsaw is the capital of Poland. Some love it, others hate it. I personally think that our capital is a great place to live in as well as to visit, since it has everything it takes to make any kind of traveller interested.

From old town to extremely modern buildings, Warsaw has it all. The city is divided into a number of districts, each with its own qualities.

The very centre of Warsaw is where the Old Town is located, a place any antique enthusiast will love to visit. If one is not that kind of person, the strict centre of Warsaw also has several skyscrapers, which look astonishingly when looking at them from the right place.

Going through various districts, one will find various places like unique shops that offer something for everyone, interesting museums, theatres, but we must not forget that the youth has its own needs covered, to boot. Warsaw has many skateparks sport enthusiasts of various skill level will love to try their strength at, plenty of clubs that are just the place to go to with friends, and various other places the younger part of population is fond of.

Also worth mentioning is that as Warsat is the Polish capital, there are a number of embassies located within the city centre, hence if you are a traveller who wants to get hold of your country representative, you will not have a tough call in front of you.

To sum up, Warsaw is quite a controversial place, but needless to say, there is a lot of places for all kinds of people to go to and have a great time.



Póki co mamy tylko jeden opis miasta po angielsku :) Jeśli chcesz stworzyć swój własny opis miasta po angielsku i przyczynić się do rozbudowy serwisu, napisz go w komentarzu, a my umieścimy go na stronie wraz z Twoim imieniem. Z góry dzięki :)

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