Opowiadanie po angielsku

Opowiadanie wydaje się dość trudną formą wypowiedzi pisemnej po angielsku, z racji tego że zazwyczaj nie bardzo wiemy o czym mamy napisać. Jednak w rzeczywistości praktycznie nie ma znaczenia, o czym będzie nasze opowiadanie, dopóki będzie ono zgodne z kilkoma podstawowymi wymaganiami:

– wydarzenie opisane w opowiadaniu może być prawdziwe lub nie, lecz musi być ciekawe.

– musi mieć odpowiedni wstęp i zakończenie, tj. wstęp który zachęca do dalszego czytania oraz zakończenie które jest zadowalające.

– wydarzenia zazwyczaj powinny być niezbyt odległe od siebie w czasie, tak aby powstawała ciągłość opowieści

– dobrze jest używać w nim słów łączących poszczególne wydarzenia typu: then, next, after that, by the time itp.

– opowiadanie musi być podzielone na akapity

Opowiadanie po angielsku – zasady pisania

Opowiadanie może być pisane w pierwszo, lub trzecioosobowej narracji. Składa się ono ze wstępu(wprowadzenia), rozwinięcia(części głównej) i zakończenia(podsumowania lub rozwiązania akcji).


Zawiera informacje o opisywanych wydarzeniach, ich tle, osobach biorących w nim udział a także wstęp do dalszej części opowiadania. Powinno ono być przede wszystkim ciekawe i intrygujące, zachęcające do dalszego czytania.

Część główna

Składa się z kilku paragrafów i stanowi rozwinięcie akcji rozpoczętej we wprowadzeniu. To tutaj opisywane są główne wydarzenia.


Zawiera konsekwencje wydarzenia i związane z nim odczucia bohaterów, oraz konkluzję. Im bardziej intrygująca konkluzja, tym większe wrażenie wywrze na czytelniku opowiadanie.

Jakich czasów używa się podczas pisania opowiadania po angielsku?

W przypadku opowiadań stosuje się czasy odnoszące się do przeszłości:

Past Simple – do opisu głównych wydarzeń zawartych w opowiadaniu

Past Continuous – jako tło wydarzeń

Past Perfect – by wprowadzić tło akcji oraz plany, w efekcie których doszło do poszczególnych zdarzeń

Opowiadanie po angielsku – przydatne zwroty

It started with … – Zaczęło się od …

It happened one month ago. – To zdarzyło się miesiąc temu.

At first … – Na początku …

Initially … – Początkowo …

Suddenly I heard something strange … – Nagle usłyszałem / am coś dziwnego …

Then … – Wtedy …

Meanwhile … – W międzyczasie …

Prior to this … / Before this … – Wcześniej … / Przed tym …

While this was happening … – W czasie gdy to się działo …

As it turned out … – Jak się później okazało …


Opowiadanie po angielsku – wzór

Przykład opowiadania po angielsku nr 1

Opowiadanie o powrocie z wycieczki:

I think one of the worst moments of my life was when I nearly didn’t make it to my final French oral exam at the university.

Two friends of mine and myself took advantage of the week between the end of the written exams and our oral to visit some our friends in Paris. Unfortunately there was a train strike in the whole UK the day we were due to travel home and we, being students, opted to travel by train.

Our journey by train and ferry back home went well, but we arrived in London only to find out that there were no trains back to Liverpool that night. Our initial plan was to spend the night at Euston station and catch the first train the next morning, but the taxi driver who took us to Euston refused to let three teenagers spend the night at a railway station. Instead, he took us to a makeshift hostel for stranded passangers in a gym somewhere in the middle of London, and so we stayed the night there.

The next morning we got up at 6 a.m., grabbed our things and went back to Euston to catch the train. We arrived in Manchester at 10.30 a.m. with just enough time to run home, take a shower and get to the university just in time for our orals at 12.00. I still can’t belive we actually made it, and I hate to think what would have happened if we’d spent the night at the station.


Przykład opowiadania po angielsku nr 2

Opowiadanie o wizycie u koleżanki

Napisz opowiadanie na 200-250 słów kończące się zdaniem: „I looked around and I suddenly realized that I got lost”.


A few months ago I had a free weekend and I decided to visit my friend Sylwia in her flat. I bought a train ticket to Poznań and packed. A day after I had my train. Surprisingly enough, the train wasn’t delayed, though then there was a strong winter with huge blizzards, and delays were frequent.

The travel took 3 hours and wasn’t really comfortable. The train was very old, devastated, and overcrowded, so I didn’t enjoy it.

Finally I arrived in Poznań. Sylwia was waiting for me there. We went to her flat and ate something. After that we went to do some sightseeing in the Old Town. In the evening, she suggested to drink some beers and to go to the club.

We chose the „club 22” and went there about 11PM. That night in that club a lottery took place, and I decided to participate in that. I didn’t expect it, but I won the main prize – I could drink all night for free. I took the opportunity and ordered as much champagne as I was able to drink.

After several hours I was totally drunk, and I wanted to go back to Sylwia’s place. I wasn’t able to find her in the club so I decided to go there on my own. I went out of the club and tried to find the way back there. After a few streets, I looked around and I suddenly realized that I got lost.


Przykład opowiadania po angielsku nr 3

Opowiadanie o szczęśliwej ucieczce:

Write a story about lucky escape.


It was snowing all week, so on Sunday my family decided to drive out tothe country to find a beautiful stream. We got out of the car and put on our backpacks. I also picked up a walking pole that my father had given me as a present when I was just seven, and I had never gone walking without it.

The landscape was breathtaking that day, with with ice on the ground reflecting the sun like a mirror. As we got to the stream, I was amazed to see that it was frozen in places. Being curious, I used my pole to see how hard the ice was. But just as I was doing so, the stick fell out of my hands right into the ice-cold water. I went closer to the edge of the stream and bent over to see if I could reach it. As quick as lightning, I slipped on the icy rocks, straight into the freezing stream.

„Help!” I shrieked, but there was nothing really that my parents or sister could do. I gasped as the cold water penetrated my clothes. I would freeze to death if I didn’t get out fast. Fully shocked, I managed to pull myself up out of the water, against the current.

I was standing, shivering in my wet clothes, when suddenly I felt a strange movement just next to my heart. „That’s it, I’m going to have a heart attack!” I groaned. But then I realized that it wasn’t my heart, it was my mobile phone which was vibrating wildly after getting submerged into the water. „Two lucky escapes in one day” I sighed as we all headed back to the car.


Przykład opowiadania po angielsku nr 4

Opowiadanie kończące się słowami

Napisz krótkie (120-180 słów) opowiadanie kończące się słowami: „I’m very glad that’s over!” said Katie as we made the long drive back home.


The city was deserted that night, as Katie and I were wandering through the narrow streets. It had been raining and the full moon shone brightly on the wet stones.

Suddenly, we heard a sound of running footsteps. Then there was a cry and the footsteps stopped. Nervously, we walked back. Perhaps someone had been killed, or kidnapped in the street.

As we were turning the corner, we saw a crazy-looking man lying in the street, holding his ankle. He had obviously slipped on the wet stones and he was screaming at us to stay away.

To our relief, at that moment the police appeared. The man was in too much pain to move and they were easily able to force him into their car. They told us he was an extremely dangerous criminal, and we had a lucky escape. „I’m very glad that’s over!” said Katie as we made the long drive back home.



Ocena: 4.3/5 (liczba głosów:7)

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