Jak zabrać się do pisania rozprawki typu opinion essay
Przed rozpoczęciem pisania rozprawki dobrze jest zastanowić się nad danym tematem, przeanalizować go i wybrać, po której stronie problemu stajemy.
Opinion essay – zasady pisania
Opinion essay powinien składać się z trzech głównych części: wstępu, rozwinięcia i zakończenia. W drugiej części powinny znaleźć się przynajmniej 2 paragrafy.
We wstępie określamy temat rozprawki a także swoją opinię na jej temat.
W zakończeniu powtarzamy swoją opinię, której słuszność udowodniliśmy w poprzedniej części rozprawki, używając nieco innych słów.
Opinion essay – przydatne zwroty
Do wyrażania własnej opinii:
I strongly believe – Ja zdecydowanie uważam
The way I see it/It seems to me that … – Według mnie …
Do wprowadzania pierwszego argumentu:
In the first place/First of all – Przede wszystkim
To start/Begin with – Na wstępie
Firstly – Po pierwsze
Do wprowadzania następnych argumentów:
What is more/Furthermore/Moreover – Co więcej
In addition to … /Additionally – Na dodatek …
Also – Również
Apart from … – Oprócz …
Do wprowadzania przeciwnego punktu widzenia:
It is argued that/People argue that … – Istnieje odmienna opinia że …
On the other hand – Z drugiej jednak strony
Opponents of this view say – Przeciwnicy tego punktu widzenia twierdzą
There are people who oppose – Są ludzie którzy uważają inaczej
As opposed to above ideas – Jako opozycja do powyższych myśli
Contrary to what most people believe – Wbrew temu co sądzi większość ludzi
Do wprowadzania przykładów popierających tezę:
For example/For instance – Na przykład
such as – tak/takie jak jak
Especially – Zwłaszcza
In particular – Przede wszystkim
Do podsumowania:
In conclusion/All in all/To sum up – Podsumowując
Taking everything into account/On the whole – Biorąc to wszystko pod uwagę
All things considered – Po rozważeniu tego wszystkiego
Opinion essay – wzór
Opinion essay przykład 1 – rozprawka na temat edukacji
Education would be more effective if it was optional. Provide examples supporting your point of view.
Many people believe that education would be more effective if it was optional. I understand their point of view and in my opinion they are right, but I cannot agree with all they claim.
In my view, it would be better for the society and teenagers if education was optional. Nowadays, all young people under 18 have to go to school, and it does not matter if they want it or not. For example, they may have talents and interests, which they cannot develop at school. In the future, they will make a living from their hobbies, and the knowledge acquired at school is not neccesary in this case.
What is more, for people who really want to learn, this solution also has many advantages. Teachers would have fewer students, so consequently, they could focus on them more and would not lose time for teaching people who do not really want to learn.
On the other hand, everyone should have basic knowledge about geography, history or mathematics, because it is helpful in life. They do not have to be experts in every field of science, but they ought to know where their country is located and who the president is.
In conclusion, all people should learn, but only until they get the necessary level of knowledge. After that, education should be only for those who really want to learn, and then, it would be more effective.
Opinion essay przykład 2 – rozprawka na temat wykorzystywania zwierząt w eksperymentach
In your opinion, should animals be used for experimentation or not?
People are becoming more and more indifferent to the suffering of other beings. They are afraid of themselves so much that they use animals to protect themselves against potential side effects of drugs, cosmetics, etc. But should we use animals for experimentation? As I see it, definitely not.
I firmly believe that animals feel pain, cold, heat, hunger, pressure and thirst. For example, they are whining when someone kicks or hits them. They also respond with aggression, just like humans, when they feel threat or someone is trying to harm them.
What is more, it seems to me that animals should have more rights. People will not be used for experimentation if they do not agree. What about animals? It is inhuman to take advantage of unprotected beings, which we do not understand and they cannot say what they think and feel.
On the other hand, there are people who think that animals are deprived of feelings. Of course, they cannot talk, but how we can explain why they become attached to their owners? Why do they miss them? They are definitely not deprived of feelings.
In summary, I would say that we should not use animals for experimentation. We also belong to the animal kingdom, even if we consider ourselves more evolved beings. We are only mammals just like dogs, cats, mice, elephants and monkeys. We should protect animals as we protect ourselves.
Opinion essay przykład 3 – rozprawka na temat pieniędzy
World would be better without money – true or false?
Nowadays, it seems that the world depends on money. Having a lot of money is often a dream of every man. The common belief is that „money can’t buy happiness” but people realize that life withaut it is impossible. I am strongly convinced that world without money wouldn’t be better.
The main argument to prove my opinion is that the world without money would be very weird. People are accustomed to use money. It gives us the possibility to acquire products.
Furthermore, the lack of money has a negative impact on the economy and the development of countries. We would be far less economically advanced. Moreover, people wouldn’t have the motivation to learn, go to the university or train skills to find a better job.
Finally, many people believe that money is the cause of many crimes like robberies or corruption but it is unlikely that crime would diminish only that the target there of would change.
I strongly believe that moneyless world wouldn’t be better. People think that money is pure evil, but if money was gone, things wouldn’t really be better simply because world without money doesn’t make any sense.
Opinion essay przykład 4 – rozprawka na temat przydatności studiów
Some people think that school and university should teach the knowledge and skills needed in the world of work. Other say that schools and universities should teach knowledge for its own sake, without worrying about future professional needs. What do you think should be the main function of schools and universities?
Over the years, there has been much debate about the true aim of education. Should schools prepare students for work, or should the objective be something different? To my mind, the answer isn’t straightforward. I am convinced that we should not train students in professional skills. We should prepare students for future life itself.
First and foremost, in my opinion, the goal of education should be to help students to become independent thinkers and learners. The essential idea is to help young people to think creatively so that they can respond to future challenges and problems in a positive and constructive way.
Furthermore, if students are trained in professional skills at a very young age, we are limiting their future career possibilities. I believe it is far more worthwhile to give students general tools and strategies at school and university which they can apply to any job in any particular field. After all, companies can always train employees after school or university.
Some people claim that knowledge that is not directly relevant to the world of work serves no purpose. I believe there is no evidence to support this view. How can we know exactly which pieces of information any particular student will need in the future? By giving a broad education, including elements of all types of arts and sciences, we help students develop as complete people who can gradually start specializing in the subjects they are most interested in or best at.
To sum up, as far as I am concerned, schools and universities are not simply vocational colleges producing future bankers, mechanics or nurses. They are places where young people should be trained in life-long skills and strategies that help them develop and bring something positive to the society in general.
Opinion essay przykład 5 – rozprawka na temat tego co jest lepsze w edukacji: nagroda czy kara
What is more important in education of children, punishment or award? People who decide to have children are likely to not be aware of the difficulty of bringing them up. After a couple of years, they find out that they are to choose the method of raising their offsprings:a penalty or an award? In both cases they can suffer the consequences. As far as I am concerned, I would rather reward my child than punish him/her.
Due to the fact that children are partial to sweets or toys, their parents can take advantage of this observation and create an „award system”. This, undoubtedly, will make their relationship more clear and logical. From child, they know what is worthwhile and what is worthless. A child repeats majority of good behaviours and he/she assures in them. Not only do parents create a positive atmosphere, but they also are giving an example for their children. As a result, they have so strong relationship that it cannot be destroyed even in adolescence, the age of rebelling, of their children.
Moreover, children have far stronger motivation to reach their aims as well as an assurance of parents love and proud.
An award is sometimes said to be spoiling children, but assigning a penalty is a similar story. Wise parents more often will choose this method which definitely does less harm to their offspring.
To sum up, if somebody asked me, I would choose rewarding children rather than punishing them. I also state that punishment has a lot of sad consequences and is not a reason to motivate children at all.