Recenzja po angielsku – zasady pisania
Zasady dotyczące treści:
- skupmy się na ocenie dzieła, a nie opowiadajmy jego treść – recenzja to nie streszczenie
- nie umieszczajmy w recenzji żadnych spoilerów – wiedza o tym co się stanie może zepsuć późniejsze wrażenia widza/czytelnika
- starajmy się pisać możliwie ciekawie, aby zainteresować czytelnika treścią recenzji – to czy zainteresujemy go danym dziełem, zależeć będzie od tego jaka jest nasza opinia na jego temat
- pisząc recenzję należy używać czasu Present Simple, a nie np. Past Simple
Zasady dotyczące budowy
Wprowadzenie (Indtroduction)
Wprowadzenie zawiera podstawowe informacje na temat utworu, jest to krótki wstęp mający przede wszystkim zainteresować czytelnika i przybliżyć mu dzieło.
Część główna (Main body)
Część główna dzieli się na dwa paragrafy. W pierwszym z nich należy bardziej przybliżyć nam dany film/sztukę/książkę, przybliżając fabułę, i rozwijając opis występujący we wstępie. W drugim paragrafie należy odnieść się do naszych wrażeń związanych z danym dziełem, opisać grę aktorską, fabułę i inne istotne cechy oraz skomentować je własnymi słowami.
Podsumowanie (Conclusion)
W podsumowaniu wydajemy ostateczną opinię na temat danego dzieła, decydując się na to czy jest ono warte obejrzenia/przeczytania, i czy możemy polecić je innym. Warto tutaj wymienić krótkie argumenty wyjaśniające naszą decyzję.
Zwroty przydatne podczas pisania recenzji:
The movie is based on actual events … – Film jest oparty na faktach …
The main characters are … – Głównymi bohaterami/postaciami są …
The movie focuses on … – Film skupia się na …
There is a love component to this story. – W tej historii pojawia się wątek miłosny.
The first section ends with … – Pierwsza część kończy się …
The book / The story is very absorbing / moving / predictable / unpredictable / disappointing / amusing.- Książka / Fabuła jest bardzo wciągająca / poruszająca / przewidywalna / nieprzewidywalna / rozczarowująca / zabawna.
My first impression was … – Moim pierwszym wrażeniem było …
I was captivated by this story. – Byłem urzeczony tą historią.
This book has a very intense plot filled with romance and adventure. – Ta książka ma bardzo intensywną fabułę wypełnioną romansem i przygodą.
The story is based on … – Historia oparta jest o …
I found the movie boring / interesting … – Film uważam za nudny / ciekawy …
I recommend it to anyone who likes / is interested in … – Polecam go dla każdego kto lubi / interesuje się …
Recenzja po angielsku – wzór
Recenzja filmu po angielsku przykład 1 – Kevin sam w domu
I see Home Alone as a must see movie for anyone who has not seen it yet, for whatever reason. The cast may not be filled with Hollywood stars to the extent many other Christmas movies are, but the acting certainly contradicts the thesis that a movie has to contain at least one star to be worthwhile watching. The plot is simple, yet very interesting. A kid, Kevin, is left alone at home, while all of his siblings have left to have a wonderful Christmas time elsewhere. Prior to the departure of Kevin’s family, he makes a wish to be alone during Christmas time because of an argument he had with his mother an evening before.
Having realised what happened, Kevin rejoices that he is finally alone and can do anything he wants. One day, two thieves decide to plunder Kevin’s house, after they worked out the family must have left for the Holidays. The kid does not fret the unwanted visitors, and prepares a trap at virtually every place in his house, so that the thieves do not leave the house unharmed. What happens after the two enter the house is something worth seeing, hence I will not describe it in my review – words will not do it justice. At the end of the movie, the family reunites and a happy ending takes place.
Overall, I find Home Alone amusing to the point where I would recommend watching it to anyone into Christmas movies. I love it, and am sure that you, too, will not regret watching it.
Recenzja filmu po angielsku przykład 2 – The Matrix
When it comes to the most notable movies of all time, The Matrix is certainly high on the list of such pieces. The movie, which made its debut over a decade ago (1999), was so technologically advanced that back at that time, people could barely understand that creating such a hit was possible in the first place.
What The Matrix essentially is is a great plot combined with yet-unseen technology world included within the movie itself. The main protagonist, Neo, gets involved in an immensely complex story, which will continue on through the whole series of the movies (a few of those have been made to date). Not to be understated are all the other characters that make an appearance in the movie. Morpheus, Trinity, Agent Smith, are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, and in this particular case, the iceberg seems to be really high. Another aspect why The Matrix has ultimately become a great deal of a phenomenon is the world that is portrayed in the movie. Everything starts in a big American city like any other, but with time, the plot gets more and more complicated, and a completely new world surfaces. The plot is intricate, and trying to describe it in one short piece is not worthwhile. What is worthy of stressing, though, is the great amount of publicity the movie has received over the years, and the acknowledgement of movie critics worldwide.
If you have not seen The Matrix yet, you should certainly do so if you happen to have some time on your hands. One thing is for sure – you will not end up watching only the first part.
Recenzja filmu po angielsku przykład 3 – Titanic
Titanic, a 1997 movie, is one of the most recognizable movies ever created. One of the reasons why it is so popular is because it tells the tragic story that really happened, yet the story itself is portrayed in a wonderful way that will appeal to a great number of viewers.
The movie starts off like any other movie. It is the story, though, that grabs the attention and immediately makes the viewer fall in love with the plot. Titanic is a story of two lovers, who fall for each other during the cruise on the world’s largest ship yet, Titanic, which was thought to be indestructible. The love story develops as the cruise progresses. Sadly and tragically, the wonderful story is halted by an iceberg that Titanic hits on its way to the destination point.
The ‚unsinkable’ ship turns out not to be such a marvelous invention, as water starts flooding the deck, and, ultimately, the Titanic sinks. People on board are divided – some of them do not survive, while others manage to reach the security boards. This is an overall picture of the plot, but the movie contains a great deal of details, which are only worth experiencing while watching the movie by oneself.
To sum up, Titanic is one of the classics in the history of movie industry. Not only does it depict the true story of Titanic, a technological marvel, as it was first perceived, but it also contains what could prematurely be seen as a sidestory, which will ultimately take over the plot.
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